Sunday, October 3, 2010

Going to the Farm

Three seasons ago, my wife and I got this crazy notion that I wanted to know where our food came from, so we signed up for a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).  This is not the community farms of hippie days, where you have to go out and work on the farm each and every week in order to eat.  Rather, we pay a fair living to hard working couple, David and Melinda Van Eeckhou to grow and deliver our food.   They raise most of the vegetables we eat from Summer Solstice to Thanksgiving.  We had never been out to meet our farmers, so the whole family got in the car and we headed out for the fall festival.   It would be a afternoon of hayrides, pumpkin picking, potluck dinners and fun.

Here is a day at Hog's Back Farm in Arkansaw Wisconsin:

We wound our way through the countryside, roads getting smaller and smaller with every turn, until finally we hit gravel.  Here moving cars around was not the reason the roads were built, but rather to transport farm equipment and haul food to market.

We arrived and were greeted with the quintessential farm house.

We met David and Melinda and a bunch of other members and then piled in for the hay ride.

My daughter's excitement as we loaded up

The view of the farm from the hay-wagon.

We gathered up the pumpkins.

We took our required family photo.

David drove his flock home.

The play began:  Some kids rested, in between flips on the trampoline.

After eating and playing, it was time to go home.

Enjoy real food, not only is it better for you, but it tastes good!

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